About Me

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Ever feel like you are slowly going insane?! I write the blog while managing my incredibly glamorous life. The highlights of which include wiping runny things followed by running snotty things to school, sports and gymnastics. Raising children is selfless hard work. It is important for us to not take ourselves so seriously that we zap all the joy and humor of what we go through on a day to day basis. I try to not purposely attack people but take serious situations/differing schools of thought, and make them funny. Many people have asked and most likely you will not know what side of the fence I'm on for most issues. However, I am human and can see most sides of any debate; but I'll take the side that is the funniest

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Mommy, as seen in "The Wiggles"

This evening I found myself rooted to the couch, watching a grown man in a pirate suit lunge and flail his way across the screen, presumably in an attempt to entertain the 4 and under crowd. Every kid in my house was asleep.

I found myself wondering what my own price would be. How much cash would it take for me to make a complete idiot of myself for a few young laughs?

And then a series of surprisingly vivid flashbacks slammed into my brain like one of those Acme anvils in the roadrunner cartoons.

Me, straighfaced, with Ava's BFF balanced neatly on the tip top of my head.

Me, crawling around on the floor in my "comfy clothes" growling like a dinosaur.

Me, hiding under the level of the bumper on Ava's crib, popping up and down unexpectedly with a new ridiculous look on my face each time. (A blanket/towel/pillow also elicits the same action).

So, basically, I make a complete idiot of myseself every. single. day.

And here's the worst part: I do it for free.

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