About Me

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Ever feel like you are slowly going insane?! I write the blog while managing my incredibly glamorous life. The highlights of which include wiping runny things followed by running snotty things to school, sports and gymnastics. Raising children is selfless hard work. It is important for us to not take ourselves so seriously that we zap all the joy and humor of what we go through on a day to day basis. I try to not purposely attack people but take serious situations/differing schools of thought, and make them funny. Many people have asked and most likely you will not know what side of the fence I'm on for most issues. However, I am human and can see most sides of any debate; but I'll take the side that is the funniest

Monday, October 31, 2011


I watched his hands as he worked, dust floating around him in the air. Big, strong hands. Hands I know well.

Hands that held mine continuously through three deliveries, even when I squeezed so hard he feared a broken bone.

Hands that gently supported three newborn heads, each in their turn, as he pulled back the blankets to peek at their beautiful, squishy faces.

Hands that have reached out to wipe many a tear from my freckled cheek.

Hands that hold his face when he is lost in his thoughts.

Hands that load and unload every single grocery bag.

Hands that wash the dishes because he knows I hate it.

I love those hands.

And I love the man attached to them even more.

As I watched him work at his parents, moving furniture unassisted and cleaning messes that were not his, I studied this man of mine. And I came to the conclusion, for what must be the millionth time, that he's one of the good ones.

They say that a good marriage is the ability to fall in love over and over with the same person.

I'd say it just happened again.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens

These are a few of my favorite things. (You're singing aren't you!) I am totally procrastinating with this post. There are so many other things I should be/could be/would be doing. However, here is a list of things I'm currently LOVING!

1. Lipton Iced Tea with Lemon. I love iced tea but only with lemon. Most teas without lemon tastes bitterly sweet. And lately I'm diggin' this.
2. The Harry Potter Books. I know, I know. I'm late in the whole Harry Potter fad. I have been reading them to Kira 2 chapters a night and she LOVES them and I love the time with her doing something she will remember always. I have always read to the kiddos but it more fun now that they can sit through longer stories and read themselves. That and Kira and I are super pumped to have a movie night after we finish each book!!
3. The Smell of Cinnamon. I love this time of year and this scent is everywhere. And there is something about the warm smell of cinnamon that reminds me of home.

4. American Eagle Jeans. These are my absolute favorite and they are oh so comfy!

5. Petticoats and Tutus for My Girls. 'Cause they are cute and girlie and the girls love to spin in them.

6. Target. Who doesn't love this store?! Cute stuff for cheap. I prefer to get the kids clothes from here because they are nicer and seem to hold up better than the stuff from Wally World.

7. M.A.C. Lipglass. I love all M.A.C. products but the lipglass is one of my staples.

On a different note, one of my least favorite things is packing and moving. I have no desire or motivation to do it. I am not looking forward to the end result. But it has to be done *putsgamefaceon*.

Winner of Halloween Giveaway!

And the winner of the Halloween Giveaway is Syndi Conard
Stay tuned for a Holiday giveaway!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Don'ts of FB


Everyone has one.

Some people don’t seem to understand how to use one.

So I decided to make a Top Ten list of Facebook Don’ts.

10. Don’t like a sad status. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen someone post “Having an awful day,” and saw someone like it. Um? Or once I posted that I had a headache and someone liked it. Is anyone really reading Facebook or are they liking every status?

9. Don’t post half naked pics of yourself. Or anyone else you might know. That belongs on an entirely different site.

8. Don’t post pics with your tongue out or "duck" lips. 'Nuff said. Why is everyone trying to make out with facebook?

7. Don’t constantly vague book. Fine, if you want to do it once in awhile, great. A little mystery never killed anyone. Constant mystery does. If you aren’t going to spill your guts when someone asks what’s wrong on a daily basis, knock it off.

6. Don’t post a picture of something you cooked and then be like, “Can’t share the recipe, it’s secret!” Don’t tease! That’s mean!

5. Don’t whine if people spoil a show. Stay offline if you’re worried about finding out the score or what happened in the season opener.

4. Don’t repeatedly post a countdown to the new Twilight movie if you’re over 25. It’s creepy.

3. Don’t constantly post political posts and be surprised when not everyone agrees. This also goes for parenting posts.Can you just accept that others will have opinions that differ from yours? The world is an interesting place because we all think differently, people. I wish some people got that.

2. Don’t allow your kids under 13 to join Facebook. I suppose I get it if they HAVE to play Farmville, but don’t let them post. They won’t have anything interesting to say. And plus, the rules sort of state to be over 13 to join. I might won't friend your kid to be polite if they request me, but don’t ask me to watch my language or my content. I won’t.

1. Don’t post about how broke you are and then have your next update be like, “We just bought a new puppy!” That’s annoying. Common sense shows that if you are broke, that buying a new pet might not be the brightest idea and yes, half your Facebook list is thinking this, too.

Ok, I'm done with my ranting now! Happy Monday everyone!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Halloween Giveaway!!

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. Really, it's my favorite because of the time of year. I love the colors, smell, and weather this time of year. I love to crunch the leaves on the sidewalks and wear my favorite cozy sweaters. And I love to bake sweets and cook stews and soups and that seems to fit in perfectly with fall/winter. There is something about this weather that brings out the chef and creativity in me. So in light of the season I am doing a giveaway!!

I want to hear your best costume ideas; past/present/future Submit your ideas in the comments below and I will randomly select a winner. Deadline is October 24. So get on it! Be creative and you could win a $25 giftcard to Target and a yummy bag o' candy of your choice!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

What I Learn From My Girls

Small children are blessed with unabashed pride in their own accomplishments and attributes.

"You are very beautiful," I told Kyla the other day.

"I know," she replied.

Somewhere along the journey to adulthood, however, most women stop taking compliments as undeniable truths about ourselves and instead, start viewing them as cruel jokes. This is proven by the fact that if you ever tell a young mother that she looks pretty or, heaven forbid, sexy, she will first laugh at you, and then insult your intelligence.

"You don't know what you are talking about," she will bark as she pinches a layer of fat around her middle.

I worry sometimes that I am so focused on teaching my kids how to be better people that I forget that I have much to learn from them on the subject in return. Specifically, I fear that if I do not start following my children's example, then they will follow mine.

The next time that someone pays you a compliment, join me in resisting the urge to stomp on it. Instead, smile and simply say "thank you."

Saturday, October 15, 2011

My 27

Today I turn 27. I know. It is sooo exciting. Especially when it's a Sunday and I'm a mom and still have to do all the same old mom things. But I'm not complaining. I have a great life, with great kids (who drive me crazy) and a handsome husband who caters to my every want.

Without further ado here’s 27 things about me:

1. I detest wire hangers.

2. My favorite lunches involve some combination of soup, salad and a sandwich with a girly dessert.

3. I do not like talking on the phone. Texting is easier and faster for me because I am always in an environment that is loud and chaotic. So do us both a favor and send me a message instead.

5. My car is a garbage can on wheels.

6. My favorite treats all involve caramel.

7. If I ever build my own home, the most important feature will be a decent sized mud room with lockers.

8. I am snobby to snobby people.

9. I have a very hard time not spending coupons (ex: friends and family at Old Navy, Crazy 8, etc.) I love a deal.

10. I love black and white together and separate for clothing.

11. I don't believe in fad diets, diet pills, or diets in general. The word "diet" immediately makes me feel ravenous.

12. My favorite gifts from Tommy are cards with meaningful written messages (he hates doing this) and massages--nothing kinky, just like a great food rub.

13. I hate being tickled. Anywhere.

14. I do not think that I will ever get over having a subpar wedding. I had no say. My opinions were never asked. And while I appreciate the effort and love of everyone else, it makes me sad that I did not have MY day.

15. I am the world’s biggest anti-morning person. Regardless of when I go to bed, I always seem to stay exhausted. No matter how much sleep I get, it never seems to be enough.

16. At my funeral, no one will say "She never said a bad word about anyone."

17. They will say “She was fun to be around.”

18. Fountain cokes are my weakness.

19. I consider getting myself showered and dressed for the day to be a major burden now that I have a kids.

20. I am only comfortable in a small range of temperatures ranging from about 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit

21. I don’t balance my checkbook because it is easier to follow my account online.

22. I love my girls’ dimples.

23. I am passive aggressive and inherently lazy. I hardly ever make my bed.

24. I can give a one-girl play of the Wizard of Oz. It’s been my favorite since forever.

25. I make friends easily but prefer to keep them at arms length.

26. I would rather get lilies than roses.

27. I like sentimental things but have very few.

Here's to another great year!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Girl, Kira

Having a girl is like riding a roller coaster. A fast, exhilarating, slightly out of control roller coaster.

The highs are so high. They are filled with sweetness and joy and all things good. Like cupcakes and rainbows and unicorns. On a sunny day. In a field. Together. They are amazing. And then boom! everything is turned upside down in the most dramatic way possible.

The lows are abrupt and intense and deafening. And then, the highs come back and you forget that the lows ever happened. Rinse and repeat a million times to infinity, and that’s what it’s like having a girl. Like a roller coaster, minus the nausea. Well, minus the nausea, most days. But, it’s certainly always an adventure and I’m forever thankful that I get to go along for the ride.

And now seven things for Kira's seventh birthday:

1. She loves pink and princesses and baby dolls and glitter and perfume and lip gloss and make-up, etc.

2. She loves to sing and dance and sing. This girl sings everywhere; in the shower, in the car, with or without music. Her current favorites are Justin Beiber (HELP!!) and Taylor Swift. She also likes to provide lessons to anyone that will listen.

3. She loves to go to her room and read or play quietly. She is a very easy child and is very sweet to her siblings...even when they don't deserve it.

4. She makes pictures for me everyday that say "Kira and Mom are best friends" or "Kira loves Mom." She doesn't make a dang thing for Tommy.

5. She already talks like a valley girl. She told me a story where another girl told her that she was 9. Kira said, "I was like...um, okay....I will be like 7...but whatever.."

6. A few days ago, we were sitting and watching some show on Nick and she looks over and says, "Mom, you know how if you do something wrong and you feel bad about it, you have to repent?" I said yes, silently patting myself on the back for teaching her about repentance. She replied, "If you feel bad, just don't think about it and then you don't have to repent."

7. She compliments me on my outfit nearly everyday. "Cute shirt mom!" or "I love your boots." or "You look really pretty, Mommy." She makes me feel good.

Happy 7th birthday to the daughter who first brought a little bit of sugar and a whole spice to my life. You add so much love and joy to my days. My world is a billion times better because you are in it. I love you to pieces. You were the first splash of pink and glitter in my otherwise bleak world.
I adore this sweet, sassy little girl.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Family - A little heavy

Everyone has their own definition of family. Up until tonight, my definition/idea was very narrow. My family is my husband and kids because I know that where ever they are I am too. I depend on them and they depend on me. But I now realize that if something were to happen to any of us, we really wouldn't have the support or love we would need to get through it.

When I was little, I was close to both my dad's and my mom's side (parent's divorced when I was 2). I slept over at my grandparents, I annoyed and followed around my aunts, my cousins were my best friends. Somewhere along the line my dad moved out of state and I gradually lost connection with his family. I moved to be with my dad when I started middle school and my relationships with my mom's family somewhat faded. I went years and years without seeing most of them.

Fast Forward to today....
We all live within 30 miles of each other (if not closer) and not much has changed, I hardly see anyone. Including on holidays.

My husbands family is quite opposite. They all live close...in fact most are neighbors. They are there for every milestone, every good thing, and every bad thing. They help each other out. They are each others best friends. The spouses of his aunts, uncles, and cousins all get along great too. They all grew up in the same area. They share childhoods. They have history. I have never fit into his family. I sit alone at most gatherings because when I do attempt to engage in conversation....it just feels too forced from both sides. I am quite the outsider since I am younger and didn't grow up around here. Even my kids see the difference in how all the cousins play and interact. But I'm ok with all that. You stick to what you know and they know close family, I don't. I don't know how to be a part of that and they probably don't know what to do with me. Stepping out of your comfort zone is hard. And while I accept that it is what is it, I do envy their relationships. Of how their kids all play together and spend birthdays together. Of how they know if something were to happen their family is a phone call, or a door knock, away. When a member is sick or in the hospital, everyone of them shows up. They call to chat. They stop to talk real quick when they see you, instead of a passing "hi, how are you?" (I get those often.) I'm envious of THEIR family.

This is all at the forefront of my thoughts because tonight, I saw my grandmother, my dad's mom. She is at home under hospice care and isn't expected to make it through the weekend. All of her children and their kids came and went to spend time with her. While I sat with her for a little while I couldn't help but remember being 4 and spending nights with her and my aunt Sam. She would cook the best chicken n' dumplins in the whole world. I remember the times I stayed there with my dad after he and my mom seperated. I could remember the time I told her I wanted a "wedding cake" for my birthday cake with blue flowers. And that's what I got....it was only a 1/4 sheet, but to me it was a wedding cake. I remember the curio cabinet she had with little trinkets and the box filled with happy meal toys. And sadly those are they majority of my memories. Over the past nine years, I have seen her and visited but not often. Life got in my way and I would always comment that I needed to stop by....but never got around to it. While being reintroduced to family that either didn't know I existed or hadn't seen me since I was 5, I thought this can't happen for my kids.

While I am not close to my husband's family I can follow their example. I can be closer to the people I share interests and memories with. I can make it a point to see how they are doing. I can stop by on the holidays. Their kids can come over for sleep-overs. And my children's cousins can be their best friends. Financial status, the neighborhood you live in, the education you have, all don't matter because you are family. It shouldn't take failing health to bring family and loved ones together. I hated not knowing the names of family members or recognizing faces. I'm sad about the missed opportunities for a quick visit. I'm sad of the memories not made. And I'm sad that my children didn't get to know their great-grandmother; to know her voice, her laugh, see her smile, or taste her yummy cooking. These are all memories that I will cherish.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fad Diets

Atkins Diet

Alli Diet

Acai Berry Diet

Beverly Hills Diet

Cabbage Soup Diet

Celery Diet

Cookie Diet

Egg Diet

Fat Free Diet

Grapefruit Diet

HCG Diet

Liquid Diets

Suzanne Somers Diet

Subway Diet

The Zone

3 Day Diet


Diet Patches

Diet Pills

Plastic Wrap

Jaws wired shut

Does the list ever end?

After reading about diet after diet and all their restrictions and rules, I just wanted to run to the hills screaming. Frankly, there are little bits of truth within each of the diets. But it seemed like the weirder the diet, the more followers it has.

I found this online and started laughing out loud:

Is this true or what? And why is it?!

I’m no alarmist. Yes, I do recommend certain foods, fitness gear, workouts, and books that offer sound fitness and nutrition advice. I suppose you could call me a moderationist (I just made that word up).
I advocate what works:



Lean proteins

Whole grains

Good fats and oil

Low sugar

Low bad fats

Low salt

Nutrient dense foods

Tons of water

Do cardio most days a week

Lift weights a few times a week



We don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. WE KNOW THIS STUFF. Why do we as a culture keep looking for the next take-twenty-pounds-off-in-a-week program? Why not just use the knowledge we already have, DO IT, then enjoy long term health and fitness? It's HARD work, but aren't YOU worth it?

The diet business is a $40 BILLION a year industry. This is crazy.

I’m taking my money and going to buy some more spinach and fish, thank you.
So, what are your thoughts on fad diets?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Kira: Mommmmmmmaaaaay!!!! Kyla is copying me!
Note: "Mommy" is said in a way that only Kira has perfected. A way that lets you know that a tattle tale of sorts is on it's way and in a shrill that reminds you of nails on a chalkboard.

Me: So, stop talking.

{Insert scowl and three seconds.}

Kira: Mommmaaaay!!! Kyla is still copying me.

Me: Aren’t you not talking? How is she copying you?

Kira: She’s not talking either! Ugh, little sisters are annoying.

Me: Then go clean her room and see if she still stops copying you.