About Me

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Ever feel like you are slowly going insane?! I write the blog while managing my incredibly glamorous life. The highlights of which include wiping runny things followed by running snotty things to school, sports and gymnastics. Raising children is selfless hard work. It is important for us to not take ourselves so seriously that we zap all the joy and humor of what we go through on a day to day basis. I try to not purposely attack people but take serious situations/differing schools of thought, and make them funny. Many people have asked and most likely you will not know what side of the fence I'm on for most issues. However, I am human and can see most sides of any debate; but I'll take the side that is the funniest

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fad Diets

Atkins Diet

Alli Diet

Acai Berry Diet

Beverly Hills Diet

Cabbage Soup Diet

Celery Diet

Cookie Diet

Egg Diet

Fat Free Diet

Grapefruit Diet

HCG Diet

Liquid Diets

Suzanne Somers Diet

Subway Diet

The Zone

3 Day Diet


Diet Patches

Diet Pills

Plastic Wrap

Jaws wired shut

Does the list ever end?

After reading about diet after diet and all their restrictions and rules, I just wanted to run to the hills screaming. Frankly, there are little bits of truth within each of the diets. But it seemed like the weirder the diet, the more followers it has.

I found this online and started laughing out loud:

Is this true or what? And why is it?!

I’m no alarmist. Yes, I do recommend certain foods, fitness gear, workouts, and books that offer sound fitness and nutrition advice. I suppose you could call me a moderationist (I just made that word up).
I advocate what works:



Lean proteins

Whole grains

Good fats and oil

Low sugar

Low bad fats

Low salt

Nutrient dense foods

Tons of water

Do cardio most days a week

Lift weights a few times a week



We don’t have to reinvent the wheel here. WE KNOW THIS STUFF. Why do we as a culture keep looking for the next take-twenty-pounds-off-in-a-week program? Why not just use the knowledge we already have, DO IT, then enjoy long term health and fitness? It's HARD work, but aren't YOU worth it?

The diet business is a $40 BILLION a year industry. This is crazy.

I’m taking my money and going to buy some more spinach and fish, thank you.
So, what are your thoughts on fad diets?

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