About Me

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Ever feel like you are slowly going insane?! I write the blog while managing my incredibly glamorous life. The highlights of which include wiping runny things followed by running snotty things to school, sports and gymnastics. Raising children is selfless hard work. It is important for us to not take ourselves so seriously that we zap all the joy and humor of what we go through on a day to day basis. I try to not purposely attack people but take serious situations/differing schools of thought, and make them funny. Many people have asked and most likely you will not know what side of the fence I'm on for most issues. However, I am human and can see most sides of any debate; but I'll take the side that is the funniest

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Girl, Kira

Having a girl is like riding a roller coaster. A fast, exhilarating, slightly out of control roller coaster.

The highs are so high. They are filled with sweetness and joy and all things good. Like cupcakes and rainbows and unicorns. On a sunny day. In a field. Together. They are amazing. And then boom! everything is turned upside down in the most dramatic way possible.

The lows are abrupt and intense and deafening. And then, the highs come back and you forget that the lows ever happened. Rinse and repeat a million times to infinity, and that’s what it’s like having a girl. Like a roller coaster, minus the nausea. Well, minus the nausea, most days. But, it’s certainly always an adventure and I’m forever thankful that I get to go along for the ride.

And now seven things for Kira's seventh birthday:

1. She loves pink and princesses and baby dolls and glitter and perfume and lip gloss and make-up, etc.

2. She loves to sing and dance and sing. This girl sings everywhere; in the shower, in the car, with or without music. Her current favorites are Justin Beiber (HELP!!) and Taylor Swift. She also likes to provide lessons to anyone that will listen.

3. She loves to go to her room and read or play quietly. She is a very easy child and is very sweet to her siblings...even when they don't deserve it.

4. She makes pictures for me everyday that say "Kira and Mom are best friends" or "Kira loves Mom." She doesn't make a dang thing for Tommy.

5. She already talks like a valley girl. She told me a story where another girl told her that she was 9. Kira said, "I was like...um, okay....I will be like 7...but whatever.."

6. A few days ago, we were sitting and watching some show on Nick and she looks over and says, "Mom, you know how if you do something wrong and you feel bad about it, you have to repent?" I said yes, silently patting myself on the back for teaching her about repentance. She replied, "If you feel bad, just don't think about it and then you don't have to repent."

7. She compliments me on my outfit nearly everyday. "Cute shirt mom!" or "I love your boots." or "You look really pretty, Mommy." She makes me feel good.

Happy 7th birthday to the daughter who first brought a little bit of sugar and a whole spice to my life. You add so much love and joy to my days. My world is a billion times better because you are in it. I love you to pieces. You were the first splash of pink and glitter in my otherwise bleak world.
I adore this sweet, sassy little girl.

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