About Me

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Ever feel like you are slowly going insane?! I write the blog while managing my incredibly glamorous life. The highlights of which include wiping runny things followed by running snotty things to school, sports and gymnastics. Raising children is selfless hard work. It is important for us to not take ourselves so seriously that we zap all the joy and humor of what we go through on a day to day basis. I try to not purposely attack people but take serious situations/differing schools of thought, and make them funny. Many people have asked and most likely you will not know what side of the fence I'm on for most issues. However, I am human and can see most sides of any debate; but I'll take the side that is the funniest

Monday, October 31, 2011


I watched his hands as he worked, dust floating around him in the air. Big, strong hands. Hands I know well.

Hands that held mine continuously through three deliveries, even when I squeezed so hard he feared a broken bone.

Hands that gently supported three newborn heads, each in their turn, as he pulled back the blankets to peek at their beautiful, squishy faces.

Hands that have reached out to wipe many a tear from my freckled cheek.

Hands that hold his face when he is lost in his thoughts.

Hands that load and unload every single grocery bag.

Hands that wash the dishes because he knows I hate it.

I love those hands.

And I love the man attached to them even more.

As I watched him work at his parents, moving furniture unassisted and cleaning messes that were not his, I studied this man of mine. And I came to the conclusion, for what must be the millionth time, that he's one of the good ones.

They say that a good marriage is the ability to fall in love over and over with the same person.

I'd say it just happened again.

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