Without further ado here’s 27 things about me:
1. I detest wire hangers.
3. I do not like talking on the phone. Texting is easier and faster for me because I am always in an environment that is loud and chaotic. So do us both a favor and send me a message instead.
5. My car is a garbage can on wheels.
6. My favorite treats all involve caramel.
7. If I ever build my own home, the most important feature will be a decent sized mud room with lockers.
8. I am snobby to snobby people.
9. I have a very hard time not spending coupons (ex: friends and family at Old Navy, Crazy 8, etc.) I love a deal.
10. I love black and white together and separate for clothing.
11. I don't believe in fad diets, diet pills, or diets in general. The word "diet" immediately makes me feel ravenous.
12. My favorite gifts from Tommy are cards with meaningful written messages (he hates doing this) and massages--nothing kinky, just like a great food rub.
13. I hate being tickled. Anywhere.
14. I do not think that I will ever get over having a subpar wedding. I had no say. My opinions were never asked. And while I appreciate the effort and love of everyone else, it makes me sad that I did not have MY day.
15. I am the world’s biggest anti-morning person. Regardless of when I go to bed, I always seem to stay exhausted. No matter how much sleep I get, it never seems to be enough.
16. At my funeral, no one will say "She never said a bad word about anyone."
17. They will say “She was fun to be around.”
18. Fountain cokes are my weakness.
19. I consider getting myself showered and dressed for the day to be a major burden now that I have a kids.
20. I am only comfortable in a small range of temperatures ranging from about 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit
21. I don’t balance my checkbook because it is easier to follow my account online.
22. I love my girls’ dimples.
23. I am passive aggressive and inherently lazy. I hardly ever make my bed.
24. I can give a one-girl play of the Wizard of Oz. It’s been my favorite since forever.
25. I make friends easily but prefer to keep them at arms length.
26. I would rather get lilies than roses.
27. I like sentimental things but have very few.
Here's to another great year!
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